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Patrick Jones/Chattanooga Zoo Conservation Award


Created in memory of Patrick Jones—a friend, volunteer, and supporter of the Chattanooga Zoo—the Patrick Jones/Chattanooga ZooConservation Award recognizes excellence in Latin American zoo and aquarium -based field conservation and environmental education efforts. Award recipients receive scholarship funding to support their participation in the Association of Zoos & Aquariums’ (AZA) annual conference, where they can share the results of their wildlife and habitat conservation efforts with the global zoo and aquarium community. The scholarship covers conference registration fees, roundtrip airfare, and lodging for the conference. Award recipients are selected each year by joint consultation of the Director of the Chattanooga Zoo and the ZCOG Executive Director. 


Funding for the Patrick Jones/Chattanooga Zoo Conservation Award is provided through annual contributions from the Friends of the Zoo (FOZ). ZCOG and the Chattanooga Zoo have been partners in this memorial award program since 1999. 

Guillermo Cubillos.Principal Investigato

Guillermo Cubillos, Zoológico Nacional de Chile
2019 Chattanooga Zoo Conservation Award recipient.


YEAR             NAME                                           INSTITUTION 

1999               Maria Eugenia Martinez                Zoológico Guadalajara


2000               Jen Hilburn                                    Zoo Ave Wildlife Conservation Park


2001               Ivan Lira Torres                             ZOOMAT


2002               Luis Jacomé                                 Bueno Aires Zoo


2003               Mauricio Fabry                             Zoológico Nacional de Chile


2004               Jacquelline Gallegos Michel        Fondo El Triunfo


2005               Alexander Blanco                         Harpy Eagle Project--FUNPZA


2006               Armando Castellaños                   Andean Bear Foundation


2007               Leandro Silveira                           Jaguar Conservation Foundation


2008               Guillermo Cubillos                        Zoológico Nacional de Chile 


2009               Diego Albareda                            Buenos Aires Zoo 


2010               Carmen Linares                           Africam Safari


2011               Andrés Capdevielle                      Buenos Aires Zoo 


2012               Arnaud Desbiez                           Giant Armadillo Conservation Program


2013               Yarra Barros                                 Parque das Aves


2014               Patrícia Medici                             Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative


2016               Paula Gonzalez                            Fundación Temaikèn

2018               Rachel Graham                            MarAlliance

2019               Guillermo Cubillos                        Zoológico Nacional de Chile






  • Nominate a Latin American zoo, aquarium, or conservation organization professional for the Patrick Jones/Chattanooga Zoo Conservation Award.

  • Contact ZCOG for details on how your institution can establish an annual conservation scholarship award

Zoo Conservation Outreach Group

c/o Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) 

8403 Colesville Road, Suite 710

Silver Spring, MD 20910

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