Listed as ‘Vulnerable to Extinction’ by the IUCN, the Three-wattled Bellbird (Procnias tricarunculatus) is characterized by unique, bell-like vocalizations that register among the loudest bird calls on the planet. Bellbirds are endemic to Central American cloud forests and are threatened by human disturbance and accelerated habitat loss, primarily for agricultural expansion. Bellbirds also have complex movements between these biodiverse—and threatened—habitats, which presents various challenges for effective conservation management and planning.
To address these challenges, ZCOG, in partnership with the Instituto Nacional de Conservación y Desarrollo Forestal (ICF) and several independent field researchers, developed the Three-wattled Bellbird Conservation Monitoring Program, a multi-year project that investigates bellbird ecology and movement patterns and will help contribute to regional conservation planning for both the species and its habitat.
ZCOG coordinates logistics among project partners and provides critical funding for research expeditions, field monitor salaries, and the purchase of Argos (Doppler) transmitters. In September 2014, under the direction of Dr. Robin Bjork, program researchers affixed these satellite transmitters to bellbirds for the first time ever, resulting in detailed information about the bellbird migratory patterns.
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Photos courtesy of Isidro Zuniga, Robin Bjork, and Ruth Bennett.
Video footage courtesy of Isidro Zuniga.
Click on the below-listed links to learn more about the Three-wattled Bellbird Conservation Monitoring Program.
Interview with Dr. Robin Bjork on Boise State Public Radio and NPR's All Things Considered.
Video: research team releasing male Bellbird with solar ARGOS transmitter.
Video: research team releasing female Bellbird with solar ARGOS transmitter.
Support is needed to protect Three-wattled Bellbirds and their habitat in the Sierra de Agalta region of eastern Honduras. You can help make a difference!
DONATE NOW. Your contribution will be used to help purchase solar GPS transmitters and download satellite data needed to monitor Three-wattled bellbird movements in Honduras.
Encourage your zoo to dedicate a Quarters for Conservation kiosk to raise funds for Bellbird conservation. CLICK HERE to learn how facilities like the Greenville Zoo are already contributing to ZCOG conservation programs in this manner.
Help support Three-wattled Bellbird monitoring and conservation efforts by adding ZCOG as your favorite charity on ebay. A percentage of all sales made will be donated to ZCOG through the ebay Giving Works program.
Raise funds for Three-wattled Bellbird conservation with every purchase at! Simpy use the ZCOG link to access the AmazonSmile program and a portion of your purchase will be donated to support our bellbird conservation efforts.

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